About Stacey

Stacey is a co-author in the International #1 Best Seller, Women Who Impact and now, in Milk and Cookies: An Intimate Story About Rising Above the Trauma of Sexual Abuse brings you the story of her childhood where the experience of sexual abuse and trauma were as commonplace as milk and cookies.

In her private practice, Stacey spends her days with clients who struggle with the effects of abuse. She also volunteers as Chair of the Board for Voice Found, a charitable organization that works to prevent childhood sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking.
Additionally, Stacey has trained with Jack Canfield at several week-long seminars, where she studied the science of motivation and success, further adding to her motivational and coaching skills. Stacey became a Certified Coach Practitioner and coaches various clients, including executives trying to manage challenging portfolios and large numbers of employees, while maintaining a healthy life balance and small business owners just starting out, trying to navigate through their fears of failure.
To finish a Master’s in Counselling Psychology from Yorkville University, Stacey completed her practicum placement in a community resource centre, specializing in Violence Against Women (VAW) issues. She also trained to facilitate women’s support groups at the centre and has certified in conflict resolution, danger assessment, Indigenous Cultural Safety, and suicide intervention.
Stacey has volunteered as a peer supporter for women leaving abusive relationships and provided peer support training for new volunteers. She has provided supervision for a Supervised Access Program and worked with the Discovery University program offered through The Ottawa Mission, providing non-credit university-level courses to low-income participants at no cost.